• Use fluoride toothpaste. Fluoride is added to toothpastes because it can help strengthen tooth enamel, making it more resistant to cavities. It also reduces the amount of acid produced by bacteria on the teeth
  • Use a soft / medium toothbrush with a small head which can reach the spaces at the back of the mouth
  • Brush for two minutes, twice a day
  • Divide the mouth into sections: top right, top left, bottom right and bottom left; brush each section for 30 seconds. You can use a stopwatch to get a feel for how two minutes feel
  • Use the right technique. Tilt the toothbrush at a 45-degree angle against the gumline and brush using small circles. This method is the most gentle and effective way to remove dental plaque
  • Brush your tongue to remove odor-causing bacteria
  • Use a dental floss and/or interdental brushes to clean the spaces between the teeth; each space may vary in size
  • Replace your toothbrush every three months or after a cold, virus, or infection
  • Think of an electric toothbrush; it will clean better especially if you have difficulty brushing your teeth


  • Do not brush too hard
  • Use a soft toothbrush and soft touch
  • If you use an electric toothbrush, you just need to drive the toothbrush rather than apply pressure. Brushing that is too intense wears out tooth enamel and damages the gums, which can cause sensitivity
  • Avoid brushing your teeth from side to side as this can scratch your gums
  • Remember to brush your back teeth
  • Do not brush immediately after eating, wait at least 30 minutes. The acid in food can soften the enamel, so brushing too early will damage the enamel
  • After eating, you need to rinse all food residue with a glass of water or chew sugarless gum
  • Never share a toothbrush with anyone, not even a family member. Germs and infections can be transferred via a toothbrush

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